This program was created for humans and their dogs to spend more time together by strengthening their bond through exercise and training. Life can be ruff sometimes so we wanted to create something you can do from anywhere at your own pace and level. Working towards a goal can help you get motivated, especially when you earn it! Plus it helps to stay motivated because you have your best workout pawtner by your side!

That’s our motto at Fitness with Fido “where you’ll always have a workout pawtner”

Figure 8

Begin standing in a wide stance with your legs and have your dog go around each leg making a figure 8. A more advanced version is to have your legs closer together not as wide and this will have your dog make tighter wraps.

Tip – Have treats in each hand to lure them around each leg easier! This is great warm up exercise as well!

half mile walk/run for time

walk or run with your dog or maybe a combination of both styles for a half of a mile. Use something to record your distance and track time.

Important things when walking/running outdoors: weather, don’t go in the heat of the day, dogs have higher body temperatures and the ground can be too hot, same with being too cold out, always keep your dog in mind! Your pace may be different from your dogs, they might be faster, but work on the same pace so they’re not pulling putting pressure on their neck or shoulders. If they’re slower, slow down your pace for them. Be a responsible pet owner and pick up after your pet.

Build up gradually. In the case you can’t do a half mile at once, break it up in halves or tenths and send in each session. You don’t have to record yourself the whole time, a picture and screenshot of your walk/run will do with distance and time. If you prefer treadmills that’s fine, but for dog’s use dog treadmills or underwater treadmill.

Plank for Human (modified, full, etc)

When doing your plank you want to try and keep everything straightly aligned with your hips up and shoulders stacked above your wrists. You can do your plank on your hands or your forearms if you have wrist issues. Modified plank can be bird dog pose or on your knees. Make sure to keep track of time when you start and end. Don’t forget to record it so you can beat your time!

Plank for your Dog (stable or stability piece of equipment)

It’s a foundation exercise used in many moves, but a lot of times not taught on cue. Don’t be surprised if your dog is giving you a strange look or going thru a series of tricks trying to figure out what you want. Use one long platform or two same size platforms and have your dog walk on top of the platforms to get ready for their plank.  It’s really important to focus on their form, stack their front paws under their shoulders and their back paws slightly stacked past their hips until their hock is vertical. Also that their back legs aren’t opened up too wide, think of it like they are a show dog. This will vary slightly depending on the breed of dog. Do this in short burst like a 5 second hold and build on that before they get off or wiggle. Keep plenty of treats in your hand rewarding them before they move. Start with a low raised platform and then you can build on that as they progress and build core strength and balance.

Stomach Vacuum/Deep Belly Breathing for Human

This is a very simple, underrated move that is the base of everything, but many more core exercises. Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Breathe in through your nose slowly for 3-5 seconds. Take a deep breath in, filling your lungs up with air. Exhale slowly for 3-5 seconds through your mouth so there’s no air left in your lungs pulling your stomach muscles inward and hold until you are ready to inhale again. Try repeating for a minute. It’s important that you let out the air through your mouth instead of your nose, since this gives you more control over your breathing. You’re able to get rid of more air in your body by exhaling through your mouth. 

Visualize filling up a balloon with air as your inhaling, your lungs as the balloon. When you exhale think about trying to squeeze into some skinny jeans to engage your deep lower core. You may also want to add a pelvic floor lift as you contract your abdominal muscles.

As you get better at this you can hold for longer breaths and in different postions. This is my post-pregnancy belly so it’s a good example to see the rise and the fall of deep belly breathing and not breathing from your chest. 

Standing Tummy Tickles for Dog

This a very gentle ab exercise for your dog, though sometimes the hard part is keeping them still for it. Some dogs have a tighter core so won’t see as much movement, but should still be able to feel engagement. Use one hand they can nibble for some treats and the other to start petting their back then try petting their stomach or licky mat works great too. Repeat a few times and you should feel them keep their core engaged and not as much rise and fall.

It may be easier for your dog to do this elevated instead of freely on the ground.

Sit Up and Pet

Once you’re comfortable doing sit ups on your own place your dog in a stay position, then have a seat in front of them Start by lying on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle, with your feet flat on the floor. Put your fingertips on the back of head by your ears. 

Keeping space between your chin and chest to prevent you from pulling yourself up by your neck and to breathe easier. Think of it like you have space for an apple. Lift your torso up as close to your thighs as possible keeping your feet on the floor in a nice smooth motion, releasing and reaching your hands in front to give your dog a pet at the top. Lower back in to the starting position nice and controlled.

Inhale as you lower and exhale as you raise, but be careful not to blow on dog and make them go wild. Another option is to have your dog place their front feet on top of your feet to help hold your feet down. It requires a little more precision and targeting for your dog.

Push Ups (wall, modifed, full)

Start in a plank position with your shoulders stacked above your wrists. Lower your chest as close to the ground as you can while maintaining a straight line from your neck, shoulders and hips. Modified drop your knees to the ground and do the same thing. Another modification is finding a wall and stepping a couple feet back and bring your nose as close to the wall as possible.

Dog Push Ups (Sit, Down, Sit)

First place your dog in a sit, then lure them into a down. Once they’re in a down lure them back into a sit, that is one rep. Typically the hard part is luring them back into a sit from the down. It takes a little bit of practice to teach them to sit back up, but this is great for their shoulder muscles!

Front Paws Up Hold

First line them up center with whatever equipment you’re using, then walk in front of them so they are in line with you. Ideally you want to try and get them to hold this for 10 to 60 seconds and as they get better at holding their stay that’s when you can start checking their form.

Check that their shoulders are in line with their paws and that their back feet are in line with the hip area and that their back legs aren’t open up to wide. From there you can make it more challenging by walking back and forth, full circle or behind them and that will shift their weight working on their balance because more than likely they will want to look where you’re going.

The taller your piece of equipment the more challenging it is going to be, remember height = might.

This a great exercise to work on their balance and hind-limb strength. You can do this while you’re walking your dog by finding a curb or a log, you can use the bottom of step, a book, klimb, catoboard, whatever piece of equipment you have or can find. When you’re getting your dog off the piece of equipment you can either have them walk across it or just have them slowly step off.


When doing your squats you want your feet a little more than shoulder width apart and sit back thru those hips as you go down. As you raise stand up tall and squeeze the glutes. Options: Squat & Pet -Have your dog sit and give them a pet each time you squat. They will have to focus to stay as they watch you. Add some weight while keeping good form for a challenge.

Modified – Sit into a chair and stand back up, trying not to use your hands as your raise.

Sit to Stands Dog

Start your dog in a sitting position and then ask your dog to stand. Take a few steps forward if needed, then sit again. Repeat.Your dog may be confused trying to figure out how to stand from the sit position, even though they do it all the time naturally, but it just takes time and you may need to work on a “stand” command separately to help them learn. The Goal of this exercise is to do this move without taking any steps forward or back to reset. It also helps for a “square sit” and flat back. If needed you can practice by using a corner wall with your pet facing out towards you. This is kind of like there version of our squat. 

Side Stepping Dog

Side stepping or lateral stepping means that your dog is walking sideways. This is one of the hardest moves to teach as it’s an unnatural movement for your dog, but works many muscles they don’t typically work! Use a large enough space and use a line on the floor, targets, wall or something to help keep you all going in a straight line sideways, as it is easy to begin curving or going diagonal.

With your dog standing, take treats in your right hand and turn YOUR body to face their body so that if you took a step, you’d be walking into your dog’s shoulder. Put treats in front of your dog’s nose as a lure and so you can quickly reward when they take a lateral step. Take a tiny, tiny step into your dog, moving into your dog’s space, most will take a lateral step with one of their paws. (do not push or run into them to get them to move, it takes time) As soon as they do, reward!

Start off slow doing a few steps at a time in each direction as they build up coordination. As you get better you can begin mirroring each other For those with small dogs be careful not to step on their little feet. If it puts too much pressure on your back bending over, you may try kneeling down and scooting.

Dog Weave Legs

Step one foot forward and have your dog walk underneath and thru your leg. Repeat on the other side walking forward Tip – Have treats in each hand Modified for larger dogs that won’t duck and shorter people, raise one leg up at about hip level and have your dog walk under. This will really test your balance!

Wrap Around You

Stand up tall with your feet close together and try to lure your dog around your body while keeping your feet planted still and dog as close to your body as possible. For smaller dogs you may need to use a target stick. When your dog gets really good at this and a more advanced move, they can do an orbit where they wrap around walking backwards!


Leading them with a cookie to spin and turn is one of the easiest ways, keeping the treat close to their hip to make a tight circle. It’s also good for them to work on this move as it works on their lateral moves. Sometimes they may prefer one side to turn with, but the goal is to make both sides equal. 

High Knees Alt. Slow Dog Under

Practice this first before including you dog to see how your balance is and to build on that because it takes a lot of coordination and communication to include your dog and you don’t want to fall or scare them.

First thing first is to engage your core with a deep belly breath and keep the knees soft while standing. Pick up one foot and try to bring it up at hip height at a 90 degree angle and hold for a few seconds. Bring it down slowly and repeat on the other side. Your balance may be better on one side or on different days. Use a wall or couch if you need more support.

Once you feel confident have a treat in each hand and try to send your dog under while maintaining your balance. You can try to throwing a treat under to send your dog away to see if it helps you stay more upright.

While you’re learning may need to not bring your leg up as high and keep your toes on the ground. If it’s still too challenging do these by yourself and have your dog go thru a tunnel or something similiar.

Dog Sitting Paw Shake

Place your dog in a sit and ask for a paw. Now try on the other side! They typically will have a dominant side, but we want to try to work each side as equally as possible. This also works on their balance. This move can have progressions to it as well later on. If you can work on a verbal cue as well it can be used in some combo moves.

You can also try targeting or hit a cone if you need a modification.

Peek a Boo Neck Stretches, Side Reaches Combo

First bring your dog into peek a boo position (middle of your legs) and have them stay. From here have a few treats in your hand and bring your hand to the thigh area for your dog to nibble on while stretching their neck, then repeat on the other side. Make sure to have multiple treats to hold this pose longer. Once your dog is good at this try adding your opposite hand over your head for a side reach, then repeat on the other side once your dog is done with their stretch. You both will get a nice little stretch at the same time!

Wide Leg Stretch Dog Down Side Curl Crunches

This is a combo move, break it down first seperatly before building on it together 

Wide leg Stretch

Step your feet 3 to 4 feet apart, lift tall and fold slowly over your legs. Bend from your hip joints instead of rounding your lower back. If your back starts to round, stop folding forward and use a chair for support. Anchor your feet, firm your leg muscles and activate your inner thigh muscles. Shift to to the right side and to the left and hold for a few breaths. After several breaths, ground into your feet, straighten your arms, and lengthen your spine forward. Inhale as you slowly lift up to standing.

The wider your stance, the easier it is to bend forward. But if it’s too wide, you may feel unstable and start to tip forward. If you feel tightness in your low back or the back of your legs, bend your knees as much as needed to find comfort.

Down Curl Crunches

  • Place your dog in a down position. From here lure a treat to their right side of the waist area for them to curl and reach their neck to get the treat while remaining in a down.
  • Reward them and then repeat on the other side
  • Take your time, we’re not trying to give them whiplash. It also depends on their mobility how much they can curl and move side to side.

From here place your dog in peek a boo or middle of your legs opened up a few feet apart and them in a down or a down in front of you. Fold forward into your wide leg stretch. When you stretch to your right have your dog follow with a curl crunch and repeat going the other way. Do it a few times, come back to the center roll up slow and release your dog. Celebreate with a cookie throw

It’s important to build a strong foundation when working out with your dog for safety. Being aware of your surroundings to not scare them, to teach them patience for when it’s your turn, to learn how to communicate and coordinating can take time. Prior basic obedience helps a lot and working out by yourself first to build confidence. The goal is to bring your dog into your space, but to also respect your space and vice versa. Check out our Free ebook for tips!

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