
Border Collie
4 (2019)

Concerns/Goals/What Brings You in Today?:

general wellbeing, preventative health, sports training, warm up, cool down, core, favors left in turns, cowhocks

Initial report


Activities/sports: agility, disc
Injuries: n/a
Equipment access: klimbs, peanut, propel, fitbone, catos, paw pods, calvellties


Long term goals– build warm up and cool down routine, better performance, handle turns, jumping

Short term goals – build core strength and cowhocks


Checkpoint Posture Assessment
hold a stand for ten seconds without sitting or lying down?
20 secs, wide back legs, some external rotation
shifting more weight onto their forelimbs? no
shifting more weight onto their hindlimbs? no
Are they avoiding putting a good deal of weight on one of their limbs? no
What does their topline look like? straight

Checkpoint Exercise Assessment
Standing Still:
20 seconds, wide back legs
Stand with Head Tilt up: wants to sit, n/a, working on chin hold
Backing Up: external back foot rotation
Sit to Stands: can do a lot, but slightly tucked in, arch back and wide stance back legs
Elevated Sit: back legs point outwards, slight arch, about 20 seconds
Plank (duration & Equipment): catos 45 secs, fitbone & propel 10 seconds
Walk/Gait/Endurance: keep eye on favoring left side during turns, didn’t see anything today
Down: held 2 mins strong, didn’t show any signs of tight hips

UNDERACTIVE MUSCLES: glutes, inner thighs
NOTES: Primary core work and glutes, secondary explosive movements

Below are the progress photos

Measurement Tracking
Waist18.5 “18″ 
Thigh R/L13.5″/side13″/side 
Warm Up & Cool Down Routine

Does do some sit to stands, turns currently before agility & disc, working on cool down routine

Warm Up – shadow handling, spins, turns, figure 8, sit to stands, backing up, side stepping, ideally if can do on a hill even better. 2-10 minutes about 5-10 reps an exercise

Cool Down – peek a boo middle candy cane neck stretches ideally standing, paws up 30 second hold, quad stretch (will work on in future), slow spins, turns & figure 8s,

Session 1 Homework 2/28/23:

Starting with foundational work, core & inner thigh strength 

Warm up 5-10 minutes on treadmill, walking outdoors, zig zig hill work, etc. or even before or after agility practice

Try to do 3 times per week:

  • Back Paws Up on Propel Vertically – 10 seconds, 6 rounds 
  • Planks (front paws on fitbone, back feet on propel) – 10 to 20 seconds holds, 6 rounds 
  • Elevated Sit on Propel – 30 seconds 6 rounds

Cool down with massage 2-10 minutes, work on paws on wall stretch 10-30 seconds, candy cane peek a boo middle neck stretches in Standing position ideally 10 seconds per side. 

Session 2 Homework 3/7/23:

Starting with foundational work, core & inner thigh strength 

Warm up 5-10 minutes on treadmill, walking outdoors, zig zig hill work, etc. or even before or after agility practice

Try to do 3 times per week: https://vimeo.com/805736743/1270dd4067

  • Back Paws Up Squat, 2 sets of 8 (try to keep front feet on ground)
  • Planks (front paws on fitbone, back feet on propel vertical shape in “T” position), 2 sets of 30 seconds 
  • Side Stepping, 2-4 sets of 6 reps/side (about 3 feet, can use propel as target). 
  • Down Saw, 2 sets of 10
  • Quad Stretch (back paws up on propel, walk forward), 10-30 seconds, 1 or 2 times. 

Cool down with massage 2-10 minutes, focus on mid back and work on the quad stretch

Note: Tightness twitching in ~ T3-7, getting chiro adjustment on 3/9/23. Seemed to loosen up by end of session.


Session 3 Homework 3/14/23:

Starting with foundational work, core & inner thigh strength 

Warm up 5-10 minutes on treadmill, walking outdoors, zig zig hill work, etc. or even before or after agility practice

Try to do 3 times per week:

  • figure 8 cones (1-2 minutes)
  • plank “T” shape head nods, 4 sets of 5 reps
  • 180 pivots on bucket to propel, 2/side, 4 rounds
  • back paws rocks, 30 seconds, 2 rounds 

Cool down with massage 2-10 minutes, focus on mid back and work on the quad stretch

Note: Tightness/twitching in ~ T3-7, loosened up by end of session.

did good with last week’s homework sessions, especially side stepping!

Remember to angle downwards for back paw rocks


Session 4 Homework 3/22/23:

Starting with foundational work, core & inner thigh strength 

Warm up 5-10 minutes on treadmill, walking outdoors, zig zig hill work, etc. or even before or after agility practice

Try to do 3 rounds, 3 times per week:

  • Wrap Around Cone, 1-2 minutes (didn’t do today, but lets add this in for her too)
  • Back off of Cato, 1 minute
  • Lateral Side Hold, 10-20 seconds/side
  • Pivot with Long Cato, 2/side
  • Elevated Circles (goal is long cato, but start with klimb, then regular cato) do 1/side, then release. Try to avoid sitting in between

Cool down with massage 2-10 minutes, focus on mid back and work on the quad stretch

Note: do a couple side steps before the hold seemed to help.



Session 5 Homework 4-4-23:

good on working on controlling wrap around cone, helps a ton! 

Warm up 5-10 minutes on treadmill, walking outdoors, zig zig hill work, etc. or even before or after agility practice

Try to do 3 times per week:

  • Plank TO Wrap Around Cone, 2-5 minutes (1x)
  • Double Paws Up on Klimb with Fitbone & Propel, 3x 30-60 seconds
  • Back Paws Up Klimb & Propel, 3×10-30 seconds
  • Paws Up on Pods and Propel, 3x, 10-30 seconds

Cool down with massage 2-10 minutes, focus on mid back and work on the quad stretch

Note: pay attention to treat placement when in the back paws up that head is aligned with spine 



Session 6 HW 4-18-23:

Did much better with the paw pods, left side struggles more with moving over.

Warm up 5-10 minutes on treadmill, walking outdoors, zig zig hill work, etc.

Try to do 3 times per week:

  • Figure 8s (about 8) send away to klimb hold 30 seconds (repeat for about 5 minutes), 1x (work on cues)
  • Paws Pods Side Steps Adduction Holds, 10-30 seconds, 3x (same as before, want to build better understanding)
  • Back Paws Up Squat on Cato or Propel, 5 reps, 2-3x (work on extentsion of front feet coming out and slow) 
  • Kickback Stand, 5 reps, 2-3x (work on extension with back feet placement using something for targeting, i.e. mat, etc.)


Cool down with massage 2-10 minutes, focus on mid back and work on the quad stretch

Note:  pay attention to the foot placement for the kickback stand and back paws up squats as we want to work on lengthening the spine. 

Progress Check in 4-18-23:

Check in: Still has twitch, but doesn’t seem quite as twitching especially looking back over the video where it was a bigger area. Also the core stabilization is much more visable! 

Looks like she lost ~.5″ in the waist and thigh area as well, give or take a cm with the fluff. 

Long term goals– build warm up and cool down routine, better performance, handle turns, jumping, in progress 

Short term goals – build core strength and cowhocks, in progress . Now has a cool down routine. 

See pictures and videos below smile

Disclaimer: Fitness with Fido only offers canine conditioning. Rehabilitation programs and the diagnosis and treatment of illness and disease are not provided. All participants of canine conditioning activities and programs should be cleared by their veterinarian before beginning. When/if concerns are noted during the course of conditioning, clients will be directed to seek care from the appropriate certified professional (Veterinarian, chiropractor, etc.) Results may vary.